glance|glanced|glances|glancing in English


[glæns /glɑːns]

look quickly; shine, gleam; bounce off, strike at an angle

Use "glance|glanced|glances|glancing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "glance|glanced|glances|glancing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "glance|glanced|glances|glancing", or refer to the context using the word "glance|glanced|glances|glancing" in the English Dictionary.

1. She received many approving glances.

2. She ignored his lustful glances.

3. Glances Askances [LP] by Ruby Blue

4. The water is glancing in the sunlight.

5. Sam and Barbara exchanged meaningful glances.

6. Glancing towards me, he started to laugh.

7. Pleased faces, sidelong glances seeking agreement.

8. You keep glancing to my left.

9. She kept glancing towards the telephone.

10. He smiled, glancing askance at her mocking eye.

11. Hayden glanced at the car.

12. He glanced at her knowingly.

13. Most give the matter glancing treatment, if that.

14. She glanced distractedly around the room.

15. He glanced at his Spotter again.

16. He glanced at her, seeking reassurance.

17. Chris kept stealing furtive glances at me.

18. The spear harmlessly glanced off.

19. She glanced shyly at him.

20. Dr Morse kept glancing nervously at his watch.

21. I replaced the drawer, glancing quickly at my watch.

22. They cast furtive glances at one another.

23. Their glances only drove him to greater histrionics.

24. The couple exchanged meaningful glances but said nothing.

25. The bright afternoon sun shone upon the glancing waters.